
IT'S OVER 9000!


Rank Estimator

Dicover your rank in game.

Chess ratings only tell you your estimated overall playing strength. This may show you how good you are on average but not during different phases of a game. Rank Estimator allows you to discover your weaknesses so you can improve.

Play It Out

What does a perfect game look like?

Play it out utilizes AI to calculate the move with the highest probability of success. Learn the most efficient moves and elevate your game to the next level.


Explore and analyze.

Looking for something more? Our vast array of statistics allows you to get a glimpse of the bigger picture. Form your own conclusions with world class knowledge.

Our Team

Rudy Enriquez

Rudy Enriquez

Joshua Wood

Joshua Wood

Alejandro Ruperti

Alejandro Ruperti

Crawford Collins

Crawford Collins

Winston Lee

Winston Lee

Josh Akeman

Josh Akeman

Kenneth Ridenour

Kenneth Ridenour

Krisli Dimo

Krisli Dimo

Arthur Leonard

Arthur Leonard
